Animation Magazine Interview on Production of Disenchanted
From Animation Magazine's interview of me and some of the Disnenchanted team from Tonic DNA. The article is titled, "How Tonic DNA Sprinkled 2D Animation Magic into Disney’s ‘Disenchanted’"
As in the original, Disenchanted crosses the line from live action to animation, requiring the services of an animation studio — and animators — to bring key parts of the movie to life. With a script in hand and director Shankman on board, Disney turned to Montreal-based Tonic DNA, where the project was overseen by creative director Todd Shaffer and animation supervisor Simon Pope.
“They came to us with already some preconceived ideas of how they wanted to approach it,” says Shaffer. “We wanted that classic Disney style, but we also wanted to honor what was done with Enchanted, which was just really good for the time … we were just basically trying to follow their lead.”