Surviving Child Loss Documentary In Production

When your child dies your entire world collapses, and that world will never be the same. You will never be the same. But there is hope to move forward in this life without crippling grief. And there is hope in the gospel in even such a horror as this.
This past week, production began on a documentary that addresses these things and so much more. Through conversations, illustrations, and biblical teaching, this documentary will walk through the door of horror to find Christ walking alongside parents of child loss in ways only God can walk.
Through the story of the Shaffer family, this documentary seeks to find wisdom and comfort in subjects such as grief, trauma, PTSD, and how to find comfort and hope with others who are walking the same terrible path.
This is a documentary not only for parents who have lost children, but for anyone who has experienced loss, and for pastors, counselors, church leaders, and anyone who wants to walk alongside those who have experienced loss.
More information coming soon. Follow our production on our Facebook page.